With COVID-19 looming large in our lives today, many women have moved back to a scarcity mentality even if they have been doing well with their earning and financial management prior to all this.
Seeing the doomsday news reports, our economy faltering, and many Americans losing their jobs, it is easy to fall back into believing the lies of scarcity. Here is a list of excellent books that will help realign your money mindset to set you up for success again.
This comprehensive list was compiled with the help of others seeking financial freedom, just like myself (and if you are reading this, you too!). I haven’t read them all, so do not endorse all the content myself. I am however hoping to read many on this list as I move forward on my own money mindset journey.
The first 19 books are specifically for women, by women.
The next couple are classic money mindset books that were originally written for men and then new versions for women were added as we know the money journey for women and men is often very different.
The rest of the list are classics and other helpful books written by men.
Please comment about ones you particularly love at the bottom of this post, or better yet, join us in the Fab Life Now Community to join the conversation as we read and discuss.
Tapping Into Wealth
"Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT), also known as Tapping, has become a popular tool for realizing goals, as evidenced by the recent New York Times bestseller The Tapping Solution by Nick Ortner. For many of us, one of our main aspirations is to flourish in our careers and, by extension, in our finances. Yet limiting beliefs and fears keep people stuck in their current financial states. EFT uses the fingertips to tap on acupuncture points while emotionally tuning in to negative attitudes and past experiences, allowing people to transform their thoughts and feelings. Margaret M. Lynch teaches people how to harness the power of Tapping to identify and clear the blocks to prosperity. This book also features QR codes and URLs linking to video demonstrations of Tapping exercises."
Beginning Magic Money (Magic Money Books 1)
"This isn’t the woo-woo, Law of Attraction stuff you’ve heard before. Magic Money is practical prosperity that, when you practice it, works like a charm. And, it usually starts within 24 hours! Once I started thinking, saying, and doing a series of practical actions on a consistent basis, I have never been without exactly what I needed. This Course shares everything I’ve discovered, including the exact process I used, and continue to use, to this day. Many people fail at engaging in new ideas because they try to do everything all at once. I know from experience that taking small steps consistently over time is the true secret to success. Each book carefully takes you down your own path from lack to abundance with simple, easy to do action steps that make sense.• Book One of this course, Beginning Magic Money, includes a 30-day Experiment. This experiment will eliminate your doubt once and for all. You’ll prove to yourself, once and for all, there is an abundance of everything you want and need (including money) available to you.
Advanced Magic Money (Magic Money Books 2)
"In Book Two, Advanced Magic Money, I share next-level techniques and instructions for activating magic money into your life—along with money, clients, goods, services, and opportunities. You’ll know how to allocate your money to activate your own stream of magic money, now and forever."
Magic Money Mastery (Magic Money Books 3)
"Finally, in Magic Money Mastery, Book Three in the series, I’ll share my extra-special, high-level advice for how to effortlessly expand your abundance until your every desire and whim is granted almost instantaneously."
You Are a Badass at Making Money
"You Are a Badass at Making Money will launch you past the fears and stumbling blocks that have kept financial success beyond your reach. Drawing on her own transformation—over just a few years—from a woman living in a converted garage with tumbleweeds blowing through her bank account to a woman who travels the world in style, Jen Sincero channels the inimitable sass and practicality that made You Are a Badass an indomitable bestseller. She combines hilarious personal essays with bite-size, aha concepts that unlock earning potential and get real results."
The Soul of Money
"This unique and fundamentally liberating book shows us that examining our attitudes toward money-earning it, spending it, and giving it away—can offer surprising insight into our lives, our values, and the essence of prosperity. Lynne Twist, a global activist, and fundraiser has raised more than $150 million for charitable causes. Through personal stories and practical advice, she demonstrates how we can replace feelings of scarcity, guilt, and burden with experiences of sufficiency, freedom, and purpose. In this Nautilus Award-winning book, Twist shares from her own life, a journey illuminated by remarkable encounters with the richest and poorest, from the famous (Mother Teresa and the Dalai Lama) to the anonymous but unforgettable heroes of everyday life. "
Worth It
"From the founder and superstar CEO of DailyWorth.com—the go-to financial site for women with more than one million subscribers—comes a fresh book that redefines the relationship between women, self-worth, and money. Worth It shows women how to view money as a source of personal power and freedom—and live life on their terms."
The Energy of Money
"Thousands of people worldwide have learned how to build a powerful new relationship with their money and bring their dreams to fruition through Dr. Maria Nemeth's dynamic workshops. Now you can, too. In The Energy of Money, Dr. Nemeth--who received an Audio Publishers Award for her Sounds True series on which this book is based--draws upon her more than twenty years' experience in synthesizing spiritual and practical techniques for managing yourself and your work to create a revolutionary program that can free your financial energy and use it to achieve personal life goals and financial wealth. Combining a complete self-help and self-discovery regimen with proven methods of money management, this powerhouse guide to prosperity presents twelve principles that will help you to
- Uncover the hidden landscape of beliefs, patterns, and habits that underlie and sometimes subvert your everyday use of money and personal resources
- Tame the dragons of driven behavior and busyholism
- Defuse fears of deprivation and scarcity- Embrace and work through paradox and confusion
- Consciously focus your money energy- Clear yourself to receive the energy and support of others and the universe
- Develop and stay on your personal path to abundance
Through easy-to-follow exercises and meditations, effective worksheets, and other interactive processes, Dr. Nemeth will guide you to financial success and help you manifest your special contribution to the world.
The Art of Money
"The Art of Money is the book your money-savvy best friend, therapist, and accountant would write if they could. Bari Tessler’s integrative approach creates the real possibility of “money healing,” using our relationship with money as a gateway to self-awareness and a training ground for compassion, confidence, and self-worth. Tessler’s gentle techniques weave together emotional depth, big picture visioning, and refreshingly accessible, nitty-gritty money practices. Guiding readers through a step-by-step journey, The Art of Money helps anyone transform their relationship with money and, in so doing, transform their life. As Bari writes, “when we dare to speak the truth about money, amazing healing begins.”"
Rich Chick
"The "Nine Must-Have Accessories" Every Girl Needs to Create Financial Confidence, Independence and Freedom the Smart Way."
Overcoming Underearning
"If you answered yes to any of these questions, you may be an underearner. Underearners are self-saboteurs who don't live up to their earnings potential, says Barbara Stanny, a financial educator, motivational speaker, and career counselor. Whether they make $10 an hour or six figures a year, they tend to live paycheck to paycheck, are often in debt, and have a high tolerance for low pay. Ironically, many work incredibly hard. The good news is that underearning is a self-imposed condition. By focusing on overcoming it, underearners will not only earn what they deserve but live a richer life. With techniques and exercises that have helped thousands of people, Stanny teaches five essential steps to financial independence and brings a message of empowerment to all those who chronically undervalue themselves."
Big Magic
Especially helpful for creators.
"Readers of all ages and walks of life have drawn inspiration and empowerment from Elizabeth Gilbert’s books for years. Gilbert offers insights into the mysterious nature of inspiration. She asks us to embrace our curiosity and let go of needless suffering. She shows us how to tackle what we most love, and how to face down what we most fear. She discusses the attitudes, approaches, and habits we need in order to live our most creative lives. Balancing between soulful spirituality and cheerful pragmatism, Gilbert encourages us to uncover the “strange jewels” that are hidden within each of us. Whether we are looking to write a book, make art, find new ways to address challenges in our work, embark on a dream long deferred, or simply infuse our everyday lives with more mindfulness and passion, Big Magic cracks open a world of wonder and joy."
Get Out of Your Head
"Jennie Allen challenges Christian women to transform their outlook and their lives by interrupting their spiraling thoughts and realizing their God-given power to think differently. One of the greatest spiritual battles of our generation is taking place between our ears. How we think shapes how we live. So it's crucial that we learn how to stop our spinning thoughts and refuse to fall prey to toxic thinking patterns like victimhood, anxiety, and distraction. In this book, Jennie draws on biblical truth and recent discoveries in neuroscience to show exactly how we can fight the enemies of the mind with the truth of who God is and who He calls us to be."
The Mindful Millionaire
"In the world of personal finance, the biggest challenge is the sense that there's never going to be enough. It is this mindset of scarcity, and not the amount spent on lattes, that holds people back the most from achieving their financial dreams. Using techniques she's developed as a financial planner and spiritual coach, Leisa Peterson guides you to dig deeper and discover the root of your financial thinking to change not just the way you save and spend, but the way you live your life."
Your Money or Your Life
"In times like these, it's more important than ever to know the difference between making a living and making a living. Your Money or Your Life is even more relevant today than it was when the book first hit the stands, and a great publicity campaign will bring this already strong-selling book to a whole new audience."
The Fearless Money Mindset
“The Fearless Money Mindset provides you with seven principles and tools to eliminate any fears that you may have around money.”
The Financial Anxiety Solution
"Discover how to overcome money stress, make smarter money moves, and find financial freedom with this life-changing interactive guide! Most adults today experience some degree of anxiety. In the United States alone, 51% of adults report feeling anxious. And what is one of the top causes of this chronic anxiety? Money. Financial anxiety is ranked #2 in terms of what is stressing Americans out. And the more anxious a person is about money, the less likely they are to take action toward improving their financial health. Hitting a little close to home? Now that your heart rate is up, here’s the good news—anxiety is treatable and financial literacy is easier than you think. The Financial Anxiety Solution will show you how to conquer money-related stress and take control of your financial life."
Everything Is Figureoutable
"Do you ever have trouble finishing what you start? Do amazing ideas come to you all the time but after the initial excitement wanes you struggle to follow through? If you're creative and ambitious, the answer is likely yes. The problem isn't you. It's not that you're not hardworking, intelligent, or deserving, but that you haven't yet installed the one key belief that will change everything: Everything is figureoutable. Whether you want to leave a dead-end job, heal a relationship, grow a business, master your money, or just find two free hours in your day, Everything is Figureoutable will train your brain to think more positively and help you break down any dream into manageable steps."
Get Rich, Lucky Bitch
"Are you ready to break through your money blocks and finally make the money you deserve? In Get Rich, Lucky Bitch, you'll unlock your hidden potential for abundance and upgrade your life forever. Why do most women settle for pennies instead of embracing true wealth? It's not because you're not smart or ambitious enough. You've just been programmed to block your Universal right to wealth with guilt, shame, or embarrassment. Even if you're unaware of these blocks and fears, you're probably not earning what you're really worth. Join Lucky Bitch author Denise Duffield-Thomas on a journey of self-discovery so you can smash through your abundance blocks and join a posse of women all around the world who are learning to live largely and become truly lucky bitches.Are you ready to get rich, you lucky bitch?"
Millionaire Women Next Door
"Dr. Thomas J. Stanley first swept aside the mythical magic curtain of wealth with The Millionaire Next Door, revealing just who and how common the truly wealthy were in this country as well as the characteristics and habits that made them so. With Millionaire Women Next Door, he now focuses on one of the least understood but increasingly rich demographics."Why write another book that profiles millionaires?" Stanley asks. "The vast majority of the millionaire respondents (92 percent) in The Millionaire Next Door were men............ I felt that it was indeed time for successful businesswomen of the self-made variety to be heard." And heard they are in this book that is every bit as informative and inspirational as the author's earlier works. Stanley's thoroughly researched findings and conclusions will fascinate readers everywhere. They'll definitely come away more knowledgeable and greatly inspired by women who have found the key to riches."
The Five Lessons a Millionaire Taught Me for Women
"Easy to understand and simple to apply, "The Five Lessons a Millionaire Taught Me for Women" is one of the most powerful books ever written about money and essential reading for any woman today. When Richard Paul Evans was twelve years old, his father fell and broke both of his legs. With no income and no insurance, the Evans family was destitute. At this time a multimillionaire taught young Evans the five secrets to wealth. Evans used those five secrets not only to change his life but that of thousands of others when he wrote: "The Five Lessons a Millionaire Taught Me About Life and Wealth." An international bestseller, this essential book interweaves those influential lessons with personal stories from everyday people. Evans explains that money should not be the preoccupation of our lives, but instead, our focus should be on the principles that free us to concentrate on God, family, and relationships -- life's true riches. Now Evans has taken years of personal research and coaching to create the perfect money book for women who want a better life. With his classic, motivational voice, Evans offers lessons that are easy to understand and simple to follow. Powerful, proven, and life-changing, " The Five Lessons a Millionaire Taught Me for Women" may be one of the most important books you will ever read. "
"Why do successful people get things done at the last minute? Why does poverty persist? Why do organizations get stuck in firefighting? Why do the lonely find it hard to make friends? These questions seem unconnected, yet Sendhil Mullainathan and Eldar Shafir show that they are all are examples of a mind-set produced by scarcity. Mullainathan and Shafir discuss how scarcity affects our daily lives, recounting anecdotes of their own foibles, and making surprising connections that bring this research alive. Their book provides a new way of understanding why the poor stay poor and the busy stay busy, and it reveals not only how scarcity leads us astray but also how individuals and organizations can better manage scarcity for greater satisfaction and success."
Happy Money
"Ken Honda knows that getting rich quick is no way to achieve happiness. Too often, money is a source of fear, stress, and anger, often breaking apart relationships and even ruining lives. Now, with practical and accessible language, the Zen Millionaire (as he is known in Japan) clearly explains how to achieve peace of mind when it comes to money, and how to decide which path you should take towards happiness. Learn how to change your relationship with money by treating it as a welcome guest—allowing it to come and go with respect without questioning its motives or resenting its fluctuations. Understand and improve your Money EQ, look behind the myth of scarcity, and embrace the process of giving money along with receiving it. What Marie Kondo’s The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up did for your living space, Honda’s Happy Money will do for your feelings about your wallet."
Think and Grow Rich
"This is the original 1937 version of Napoleon Hill's Classic Book: Think and Grow Rich. To the greatest extent possible, the text and formatting have been kept exactly the same as in the original release with the exception of some minor formatting changes." This is where a lot of people believe the idea of a money mindset started.
The Science of Getting Rich
"As featured in the bestselling book The Secret, here is the landmark guide to wealth creation republished with the classic essay “How to Get What You Want.” Wallace D. Wattles spent a lifetime considering the laws of success as he found them in the work of the world’s great philosophers. He then turned his life effort into this simple, slender book – a volume that he vowed could replace libraries of philosophy, spirituality, and self-help for the purpose of attaining one definite goal: a life of prosperity. Wattles describes a definite science of wealth attraction, built on the foundation of one commanding idea: “There is a thinking stuff from which all things are made…A thought, in this substance, produces the thing that is imaged by the thought.” In his seventeen short, straight-to-the-point chapters, Wattles shows how to use this idea, how to overcome barriers to its application, and how to work with very direct methods that awaken it in your life. He further explains how creation and not competition is the hidden key to wealth attraction, and how your power to get rich uplifts everyone around you. The Science of Getting Rich concludes with Wattle’s rare essay “How to Get Want You Want” – a brilliant refresher of his laws of wealth creation."
A Happy Pocket Full of Money
"In "A Happy Pocket Full of Money," Gikandi explains that true wealth is not about having buckets of cash, but rather understanding the value within. True wealth flows out of developing "wealth consciousness," that incorporates gratitude, a belief in abundance, and an ability to experience joy in life. He explores how recent discoveries in theoretical physics are relevant for the creation of personal wealth and shows readers how to create abundance by saving, giving, offering charity, and building happy relationships."
The Millions Within
"Are you ready to manifest exactly what you want...make more money...& have an epic life? Following his near-death experience, one simple shift in awareness tripled David Neagle's wages-his annual income then became his monthly income...The Millions Within documents David's journey from high-school dropout to multi-millionaire entrepreneur. And, while David's rise to financial freedom began as a dockworker, his dedication to learning and applying the UNIVERSAL LAWS were at work behind his unlikely success. In this guide to the laws of the Universe-how life works, and how you, your beliefs, and your intentions function to produce the results and circumstances (positive & negative) you experience daily-learn how to employ conscious, intentional use of these rules to produce the results (financial and personal) that you dream of...NOW!The teachings contained inside the pages of The Millions Within are nothing short of the gateway to prosperity, no matter where you're starting from, or how long you've struggled. The trick lies in understanding where you are now is NOT where you think it is!"
Start with Why
"Why are some people and organizations more innovative, more influential, and more profitable than others? Why do some command greater loyalty from customers and employees alike? Even among the successful, why are so few able to repeat their success over and over? People like Martin Luther King Jr., Steve Jobs, and the Wright Brothers might have little in common, but they all started with why. It was their natural ability to start with why that enabled them to inspire those around them and to achieve remarkable things. In studying the leaders who've had the greatest influence in the world, Simon Sinek discovered that they all think, act, and communicate in the exact same way—and it's the complete opposite of what everyone else does. Sinek calls this powerful idea The Golden Circle, and it provides a framework upon which organizations can be built, movements can be lead, and people can be inspired. And it all starts with WHY."
Profit First
"You are about to discover the profoundly simple yet shockingly effective accounting plug-in that will transform your business from a cash eating monster into a money-making machine. In Profit First, Mike Michalowicz, author of The Pumpkin Plan & The Toilet Paper Entrepreneur, explains why the GAAP accounting method is contrary to human nature, trapping entrepreneurs in the panic-driven cycle of operating check-to-check and reveals why this new method is the easiest and smartest way to ensure your business becomes wildly (and permanently) profitable from your very next deposit forward."
I Will Teach You to Be Rich
"Buy as many lattes as you want. Choose the right accounts and investments so your money grows for you—automatically. Best of all, spend guilt-free on the things you love. Personal finance expert Ramit Sethi has been called a “wealth wizard” by Forbes and the “new guru on the block” by Fortune. Now he’s updated and expanded his modern money classic for a new age, delivering a simple, powerful, no-BS 6-week program that just works. Master your money—and then get on with your life."
Church Boy to Millionaire
"Author Doug Wood’s incredible transformation journey began with himself. In 2009, he was broke in over $200,000 of debt, 65 pounds overweight, and on the brink of suicide. In this motivational book, he shares exactly what an average guy like him did to lose the debt, the weight, and overcome depression to change his life forever. Doug shares key ACTION steps anyone can take to find a breakthrough in their mind, marriage, finances, health, or faith."
Dollars Flow To Me Easily
"In his latest book Dollars Flow To Me Easily, bestselling author and spiritual explorer Richard Dotts attempts something that he has never done before — to write a book that changes and transforms the reader’s innermost perceptions about money as they read it. Richard explains that these spiritual principles have never been about “attracting” more money or stuff into our lives. Instead, these Universal truths all speak of recognizing the inherent abundance that is already there for our taking. Is it any wonder that traditional Law of Attraction techniques that focus on “doing” and “attracting” something from out there to fill a perceived lack in our lives do not create lasting results? But if all our abundance is already right here for our taking, why is it that our bank balance and physical experiences do not always reflect this truth? Is there something we have to do in order to welcome this abundance into our lives?"
The Illusion of Money
"I can't afford that." "Now's not the right time . . . I need to save up." "Quit my job? Are you nuts?!"Sound familiar? Money is one of the biggest excuses we make to not go after what we really want. Our fixation with money--the desire for more of it, and the fear of not having enough of it--is often really just a longing to feel safe. But this obsession with money is coming at a much bigger cost: our sanity, our creativity, our freedom, and our ability to step into our true power. This book is about eliminating the need to seek safety through the illusion of money and learning to see ourselves for the perfection that we are--so that we can bring our gifts to the world in an authentic way, and allow ourselves to receive massive, true abundance as a result. Kyle Cease has heard excuses like the ones above countless times at his live events, and he has shown people how to completely break through them. In The Illusion of Money, he shares his own experiences as well as practical tools to help readers understand their ingrained beliefs and attachments to money, and how they can tap into our infinite assets and talents."
The Richest Man in Babylon
"Beloved by millions, this timeless classic holds the key to all you desire and everything you wish to accomplish. This is the book that reveals the secret to personal wealth.The Success Secrets of the Ancients—An Assured Road to Happiness and ProsperityCountless readers have been helped by the famous “Babylonian parables,” hailed as the greatest of all inspirational works on the subject of thrift, financial planning, and personal wealth. In language as simple as that found in the Bible, these fascinating and informative stories set you on a sure path to prosperity and its accompanying joys. Acclaimed as a modern-day classic, this celebrated bestseller offers an understanding of—and a solution to—your personal financial problems that will guide you through a lifetime. This is the book that holds the secrets to keeping your money—and making more."
Secrets of the Millionaire Mind
"In his groundbreaking Secrets of the Millionaire Mind, T. Harv Eker states: "Give me five minutes, and I can predict your financial future for the rest of your life!" Eker does this by identifying your "money and success blueprint." We all have a personal money blueprint ingrained in our subconscious minds, and it is this blueprint, more than anything, that will determine our financial lives. You can know everything about marketing, sales, negotiations, stocks, real estate, and the world of finance, but if your money blueprint is not set for a high level of success, you will never have a lot of money—and if somehow you do, you will most likely lose it! The good news is that now you can actually reset your money blueprint to create natural and automatic success. Secrets of the Millionaire Mind is two books in one. Part I explains how your money blueprint works. Through Eker's rare combination of street smarts, humor, and heart, you will learn how your childhood influences have shaped your financial destiny. You will also learn how to identify your own money blueprint and "revise" it to not only create success but, more important, to keep and continually grow it.In Part II you will be introduced to seventeen "Wealth Files," which describe exactly how rich people think and act differently than most poor and middle-class people. Each Wealth File includes action steps for you to practice in the real world in order to dramatically increase your income and accumulate wealth."
The Big Leap
"In The Big Leap, Gay Hendricks, the New York Times bestselling author of Five Wishes, demonstrates how to eliminate the barriers to success by overcoming false fears and beliefs. Fans of Wayne Dyer, Eckhart Tolle, Marianne Williamson, and The Secret will find useful, effective tips for breaking down the walls to a better life in The Big Leap."
Who Moved My Cheese?
"It is the amusing and enlightening story of four characters who live in a maze and look for cheese to nourish them and make them happy. Cheese is a metaphor for what you want to have in life, for example, a good job, a loving relationship, money or possessions, health, or spiritual peace of mind. The maze is where you look for what you want, perhaps the organization you work in, or the family or community you live in. The problem is that the cheese keeps moving. In the story, the characters are faced with an unexpected change in their search for the cheese. One of them eventually deals with change successfully and writes what he has learned on the maze walls for you to discover."

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